Thursday, 13 January 2011

G321 Initial Notes 13/01/11

When looking at the filming of the opening you have to concentrate particularly on these things:
- hold shot steady
- framing a shot
- using a variety of shot distances
- shooting material appropriate
- selecting mise

Openings of films have to include:
- details of cast and crew and institution producing the film
- films title
- intro to character or character type
- indication of place/setting
- info on mood and tone
- info on signature theme tune
- info on genre

When analysing the film openings and trailers you need to look at these 8 different sections in detail.

Catch me if you can - Opening


Drama, Action, Chase are the different types of genres that are shown in the opening of catch me if you can.

The characters that are shown in the opening are:
- Detective
- Criminal
The main characters are pointed out within the opening by the use of an arrow.
The atmosphere comes across to the audience as being
- Suspicious
This is because the audience doesn't understand what is going on.

Settings within the opening:
- Hospital
- Airport
- America 'yellow cabs'
These small things within the opening give the audience ideas of where the film is going to be set.

The sound makes the audience feel
- Tense - as the audience doesn't know what is going to happen
- It has a 1960's feel

The narrative of the opening:
- Tells the storyline of the film.
- Use of iconography with things like the yellow cabs to show the audience that the film is going to be set in somewhere like New York.
- Hiding and Chasing (this is a type of theme that is shown in the opening, from this it shows the audience what the film is going to be like.

- The title is shown near the beginning of the opening.

My Best Friends Wedding - Opening


The genre of the opening seems to be:
- Romantic Comedy this is shown through the use of the themes in the opening.

The narrative shows the audience that within the film:
- Something is going to go wrong.
- Wedding
- Friends

Within the opening of the film shows the characters:
- Bride
- Bridesmaids
- Groom (through the use of music, not seen in person.)

The atmosphere of the opening makes the audience feel:
- Light
- Happy
- Feminine
- Musical

The themes that come across in the opening are:
- Pink
- Love
- Happiness
- Wedding
All of these themes help to portray the genre of the film.

The setting within the opening of my best friends wedding was a:
- Studio (Mickey take so not appropriate for a church)
- It includes Wedding Preparations

The Sound within the opening is giving instructions on how to treat a man and how to act and be for when you get married to them.

The titles that were used for the opening of the film were:
- Handwritten font (maybe like an invitation)
- Julia Roberts (Box Office Appeal)

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