Tuesday 19 October 2010

Ideas for the Preliminary Task.

We want to make the set look as though we were in a home, and the characters to have a lot of different emotions - anger, sadness and fright. To make those emotions strong we are going to use zoom in different places as well as close ups to show the emotions in their faces and mid-shots to show body language. We are going to use the 180 degrees rule throughout all the different scenes by having the camera next to a wall so that it makes it easier for the characters not to go behind the line and for the camera not to go the other side of it. For the scene we decided that the line will be diagonally across the room due to the way the room is set, we are then going to film a set of different flashbacks which will be really quick of one which will be in the same set and have the same 180 degrees rule applied to them. We are going to start the film with an establishing shot of the outside of the building and then we are going to go straight into the dialogue and set inside the house. After the argument that the characters are going to have in the first scene we are then going to show the characters in a hallway arguing by using over the shoulder shot. We are going to be filming with two characters at the same time one either side of the characters to show the emotions from both of the characters as well as their body language, by doing this we will be showing our shot reverse shot. We will then go onto our next scene where we will show the characters going through a door by again having two cameras filming at the same time one either side of the door so that we get it perfectly, this will be our match on action.

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