Wednesday 20 October 2010

The Filming.

We found using all the different equipment quite easy, we were able to set up the dolly and the tripod fine and they were really good for what we wanted to film and helped us a lot to keep better control of the camera. Once we worked out all the different settings and buttons on the camera then we were able to use it really well and we found it really easy to do.
We filmed using two people from our group and once we finished filming and got to the editing stage we found that a few things needed to be re-filmed. This was to make the film better but the person that we filmed before wasn't in our group any more and wasn't able to be filmed again causing us to find someone else to film. We then had to start from the beginning and re-film everything from scratch. When we re-filmed we completely changed the storyline slightly so that it still fitted in with the storyboard, the script and the setting. By changing the storyline I think that it made the story better and easier to include different types of camera shots and angles. When we filmed the first time we found it hard to keep people out of the room that we wanted to use as well as being able to hear the dialogue and not the background noise.
The reason why we had to re-film in the first place is because we hadn't got the 180 degrees rule completely right through out the whole film and we forgot to use the shot reverse shot. We also wanted to re-film the match on action as when we filmed it we didn't use two cameras at the same time we had one person film it from one side and the run to the other side to film as well which we thought didn't work that well.
For the first time we filmed we weren't completely prepared as neither of out actors knew the script and we weren't completely sure what we wanted to happening in detail during the film. By filming again it gave us a chance to be more prepared and know exactly what we were doing so the film worked out better the first time without having to do loads of re-takes. We made sure that we were prepared by planning out where the camera would be throughout the film so that we knew where the line is for the 180 degrees rule.
The first time we filmed we worked really well as a group two of us did the acting so that it was easier for us to do instead of getting someone outside the group to act out what we wanted. The other two of us filmed it. I think it worked really well because we all knew what each other wanted us to do. When we re-filmed it we got someone outside the group to act but kept everything else the same but the three of us in the group were able to tell the actor what we wanted and I think it may have made the film even better that way.
Whilst we were filming I had so much fun, being able to act out a storyline and being filmed is great. We had so much fun doing it and being able to do re-takes and cut things out made it so much better. It found it hard but fun at the same time not to look at the cameras while the filming was taking place.

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