Friday 29 October 2010

Preliminary Task Evaluation.

I feel that our film demonstrates continuity really well; at the beginning of the film we see the two characters arguing the way that the camera is positioned and the close up of the shots makes it better for the audience to get the sense of realism and though they themselves are in the scene.  The picture below shows the emotion that was used and exactly how the camera angle helps to portray it.

Within our film we used the 'match on action' shot, 'shot reverse shot' and the 180 degrees rule.

The pictures above show how we used the 'match on action' shot, by using this shot it shows the characters movement and body language so that the audience can see any emotions of feelings that the characters are portraying.

The pictures above show how we used the 'shot reverse shot' by using this it helps the audience to see the emotions from both characters and their responses. It makes the audience feel as though they are part of the conversation and by doing it as an over shoulder shot shows that it is the view of the audience and the through the eyes of one of the characters.

The pictures above show how we used the 180 degree rule within our film, by using the 180 degree rule within a film or programme it ensures narrative continuity, the camera has to stay behind a certain line throughout the scene that it does not confuse the audience of where the scene or characters are. We decided that within our film to make the 180 degree rule work to have just one camera behind the line so that we could turn the camera to face the characters at the beginning then the wall in the middle and then to the other side to reveal the door.

I feel that our group worked really well together whilst making and planning the film. If one of us had an idea or felt that something could be changed to make it better then the rest of us would listen and then it would be a group decision if anything was changed or not. I think that the group worked a lot better together the second time that we filmed it as before the were four of us and one was a boy so when it became just thew three of us is was easier to talk about things and come to a decision a lot quicker.

If we were to film this again I would like to change the part where we use the shot reverse shot as at the beginning of it its really blurry and then its really clear then it ends on the blurry side again, this was because of the lighting but if it were to be re-filmed then the lighting should be changed. I also think that there were some parts that were quite shaky which could be re-done to help the film flow more. From other peoples feedback I think that there are some scenes that seem rushed and even the dialogue is really fast, this should be changed if it were to be filmed again, again so that it would flow better.

Before we started to film we planned out what we wanted to do in the film, the setting, the script and the angles and shots to be used. To plan out the setting the angles and the shots we drew up a storyboard which shows each scene and a description of the angles of which we wanted to use. We spent a long time planning out the storyboard but when we did the script it was quite rushed. It didn't necessarily make the storyline clear which would then be a problem whilst filming. Just before we started to film we decided to re-write the script to make more sense for the audience and also make it easier to relate to through the acting and editing. I think that all of this could have been improved by spending more time on each stage of the planning and making sure that everything is perfect the first time round instead of leaving it to the last minute.

Once we had filmed everything we then started to edit the film to make it flow and look great for the audience to enjoy. Within the piece we deiced to use a few different transitions one of which was the fade to black effect which we used after the establishing shot at the beginning and at the end before the titles come on the screen. Secondly we used the ripple effect we wanted a transition to be used at the start and end of the flashbacks to show that it is a flashback as to not confuse the audience. Furthermore we decided to use a black edge effect during the flashbacks so that its completely different to the rest of the film. I think this worked really well because the flashbacks show horrible times within the characters life and having it really dark round the edge of the screen portrays that. Further on we used the grey scale effect which was played  over the scene of which we see the camera following the footsteps to show the passing of time and the character being followed as not being a good thing.

From doing the editing of this film I have learnt so much the editing software there is. I learnt how to take the sound of the things that were filmed and how to add other sound to replace them or to just be place over the top, I learnt how to add in the transitions and titles as well as cutting one piece of film in half to add an extra bit in between. In conclusion to this I feel that my knowledge of editing is a lot broader than it was before and this will help me in the future when it comes to editing other things.

Throughout the whole filming and editing experience I have learnt a lot about the different technologies that are used in the process of the construction. The cameras that we used to film contain different effects and extras that can be used whilst filming as well as the editing programmes as well as how the dolly and the tripod are used.

Friday 22 October 2010

The Film - Everyday

This is our Preliminary Task Film, we used 180 degrees rule, match on action and shot reverse shot.

Wednesday 20 October 2010

The Filming.

We found using all the different equipment quite easy, we were able to set up the dolly and the tripod fine and they were really good for what we wanted to film and helped us a lot to keep better control of the camera. Once we worked out all the different settings and buttons on the camera then we were able to use it really well and we found it really easy to do.
We filmed using two people from our group and once we finished filming and got to the editing stage we found that a few things needed to be re-filmed. This was to make the film better but the person that we filmed before wasn't in our group any more and wasn't able to be filmed again causing us to find someone else to film. We then had to start from the beginning and re-film everything from scratch. When we re-filmed we completely changed the storyline slightly so that it still fitted in with the storyboard, the script and the setting. By changing the storyline I think that it made the story better and easier to include different types of camera shots and angles. When we filmed the first time we found it hard to keep people out of the room that we wanted to use as well as being able to hear the dialogue and not the background noise.
The reason why we had to re-film in the first place is because we hadn't got the 180 degrees rule completely right through out the whole film and we forgot to use the shot reverse shot. We also wanted to re-film the match on action as when we filmed it we didn't use two cameras at the same time we had one person film it from one side and the run to the other side to film as well which we thought didn't work that well.
For the first time we filmed we weren't completely prepared as neither of out actors knew the script and we weren't completely sure what we wanted to happening in detail during the film. By filming again it gave us a chance to be more prepared and know exactly what we were doing so the film worked out better the first time without having to do loads of re-takes. We made sure that we were prepared by planning out where the camera would be throughout the film so that we knew where the line is for the 180 degrees rule.
The first time we filmed we worked really well as a group two of us did the acting so that it was easier for us to do instead of getting someone outside the group to act out what we wanted. The other two of us filmed it. I think it worked really well because we all knew what each other wanted us to do. When we re-filmed it we got someone outside the group to act but kept everything else the same but the three of us in the group were able to tell the actor what we wanted and I think it may have made the film even better that way.
Whilst we were filming I had so much fun, being able to act out a storyline and being filmed is great. We had so much fun doing it and being able to do re-takes and cut things out made it so much better. It found it hard but fun at the same time not to look at the cameras while the filming was taking place.

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Ideas for the Preliminary Task.

We want to make the set look as though we were in a home, and the characters to have a lot of different emotions - anger, sadness and fright. To make those emotions strong we are going to use zoom in different places as well as close ups to show the emotions in their faces and mid-shots to show body language. We are going to use the 180 degrees rule throughout all the different scenes by having the camera next to a wall so that it makes it easier for the characters not to go behind the line and for the camera not to go the other side of it. For the scene we decided that the line will be diagonally across the room due to the way the room is set, we are then going to film a set of different flashbacks which will be really quick of one which will be in the same set and have the same 180 degrees rule applied to them. We are going to start the film with an establishing shot of the outside of the building and then we are going to go straight into the dialogue and set inside the house. After the argument that the characters are going to have in the first scene we are then going to show the characters in a hallway arguing by using over the shoulder shot. We are going to be filming with two characters at the same time one either side of the characters to show the emotions from both of the characters as well as their body language, by doing this we will be showing our shot reverse shot. We will then go onto our next scene where we will show the characters going through a door by again having two cameras filming at the same time one either side of the door so that we get it perfectly, this will be our match on action.

Thursday 14 October 2010

Preliminary Task- Script (Final)

Preliminary Task – Script

Shot 1 – Establishing shot of the building
Shot 2 – In kitchen/living room

Scott comes home from work
Scott: “I’m home”
Lauren: “Dinner will be ready in a second”
Scott: “It’s alright, I’ve already eaten”
Lauren: “What do you mean you’ve already eaten”
Scott: “Well.. I’ve already eaten”
Lauren: “But you know I cook dinner for us on a Monday”
Scott: “And?”
Scott throws his jumper on the floor
Lauren: “Don’t put it on the floor”. Throws the jumper back at Scott “You can hang it up”
Scott: “I’ve had enough of you” Gets up and slaps Lauren
Lauren: “HOW DARE YOU!” She walks out.
Scott: “oh I’m sorry” follows her out “wait, please, please honey”

Shot 3- over shoulder shot. Coming out the door.

Lauren: “just leave me alone”
Scott: “it isn’t my fault; I had a long hard day at work, please”
Lauren: “just get of me”
Scott: “no wait”

Shot 4-match on action, coming out the door.

Scott: “wait, please” “give me a chance”
They both go down the stairs
Lauren: “leave me alone stop chasing me” “just leave me alone!”
Lauren walks of and Scott stops.

Preliminary Task- Script (Original)

Preliminary Task – Script original

Boys comes home from work
Boy: I’m home
Girl: Hi how was work?
Boy: It was alright
Girl: I’m just finishing the dishes ten ill put dinner on. Can you erm, can you fix this cabinet for me please. It really needs to be done.
Boy: Ill do it in a bit. Can you make me a coffee?
Girl: It needs to be done.
Boy: Yeah ill do it in a bit, I’ve just got in from work ill do it in a bit!
Brings out dinner
Girl: Careful it’s hot.
Boy: Cheers
Girl: Promise me you’re going to do it?
Boy: Yeah ill do it in a second.

Five mins later:

Girl: You have made such a mess, you walk in put your stuff down unpack all the mess and don’t tidy up after yourself leaving me to do it all. Then you expect me to do your washing, cleaning and cooking. I’ve had enough.
Girl walks out. Boy follows

Girl sits outside crying and upset.
Boy: I’m sorry I’ve had a long hard day at work its been stressful all week and I’m sorry I haven’t thought about you and your feelings.
Girl: I know it’s just I don’t need this on top of everything else.
Boy: How about you forgive me and we will have a night in watch a film your choice?
Girl: Sniff, okay

Wednesday 13 October 2010

The Storyboard.


Before we started to film we had to create a storyboard so that we could plan what we wanted to do in the film and the which camera angles and shots we wanted to use.